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Character stats

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Character stats Empty Character stats

Post  Berserker Fri Aug 16, 2013 4:14 am

In order to more accurately portray and compare character power, I've decided to add in stats to The Other Side. Used correctly, these can be of great benefit.

I'm not going to use stats that depend upon a personal opinion, such as attractivity or charisma. These things matter much more to individual characters than a number can determine.

When making a new race, please write up some number ranges most average race members fit into. If the race is having 20+ for any of their average numbers, you might want to rethink their purpose.

Stat 1: Strength (Str)
This stat describes a character's physical strength. It ranges from 1 to 20, with an extra value, 20+, describing something so strong it is virtually impossible to stand against. Normal humans are in the 2 to 7 range range, with 2 being as weak as a child, and 7 being extremely strong and mighty.  Monstrous creatures nearly always goes in the 10 to 20+ range.

The stat's purpose is to chart a character's physical strength. This includes but is not limited to lifting, pushing, pulling and shifting objects, as well as maximum force behind a blow, and how well a character can draw a bow. It does not affect a character's friction towards the ground, which is rather affected by his/her Constitution and Dexterity instead (and his footwear).

The Strength stat is measured up against Strength or Constitution, depending on the attack's nature. If there is doubt which one works where, ask.

Stat 2: Dexterity (Dex)
This stat describes someone's body control and agility. Like Strength, it ranges from 1 to 20+, where 1 is someone extremely slow, sluggish and not able to perform nimble acts (like a rock golem), and 20+ being someone who does not have to worry about controlling his/her body in battle (in the sense where it automatically evades). Humans range around 2 to 7, again, where 2 is someone wearing unwieldy, heavy armour, and 7 is a nimble, quick-footed character with talent and training in good movement. The 10-20+ range is normally used for very nimble monsters.

The stat's purpose is to chart a character's self control. This includes leaping, climbing, rolling and running, as well as the degree the character can evade blows in combat. It also includes friction and ability to grab thrown items effectively.

The Dexterity stat mingles with the Speed stat occasionally. Again, ask if in doubt.

Stat 3: Magical Prowess (MP)
This stat describes how good a character's magical affinity is. Contrary to what it seems at first glance, it does NOT measure how many spells a character can cast; that is determined by their physical stamina. It measures the potency of their spells, and how well they understand magic. The range is 1 to 20+, as usual, where 1 would be a regular animal and 20+ a being of pure magic.  Humans range from 3 to 10 in this case, having a strong potential for magic, where 3 is an Adrilan knight and 10 an Ivellean archmage.

The stat's purpose is mainly serving as a measure of a character's power, as magic is far too versatile to properly counter with other stats. Only magic can easily deter other magic, and then it depends on MP.

Magic overtaking a character
As magic is plotwise relevant within The Other Side, your character's MP is quite important. Depending on your character's race, an MP ranging too far above the regular numbers, such as a human with 12 MP, will cause serious issues in controlling the magic energies flowing through the caster's body. If control over these energies is completely lost, magic will run wildly through the caster's body.

There are three possible outcomes to this - the first is that the character simply disappears into the great void, becoming more powerful than you can imagine absorbed by the magic forces in the world itself. The second is that the character gains a vast increase in power, both magical and physical - capable of near impossible feats, such as - in a human's case - cracking large boulders into pieces with their bare hands. Once this power increase wears out, however, after an hour or two, the character's body gives out, becoming a mere husk with its insides burned out. The third, and the only way for a character to persist after losing control, is mutation. Twisting and warping their own flesh and bones, they become horrible aberrations, constantly shifting and changing. Their magical power increases even further, but speech and regular interaction becomes near impossible (not to mention most people will be horrified and call for a guard while running in terror). How these things look is almost completely random and really hard to explain with words. I suggest either A: draw a picture or B: choose another result.

TL;DR: Don't sniff magic dust unless you want really bad stuff to happen to you.
(this is in order to prevent magicians from becoming too damn powerful and leave all physical combat-based characters redundant and pointless. There, OOC reasoning.)

Temporary mutation

When a mage, wizard, or other sort of spellcaster repeatedly casts spells of a single, similar nature, such as fireballs, fire storms, meteors, fire blasts, anything made of fire, basically, the magic begins affecting the character through temporary mutations. Due to the character growing more attuned to magic of a specific nature, even if, in fact, all magic stems from the same source, the character would, in this case, take on more fiery aspects; hair catching fire, blazing eyes, constantly emanating heat, that sort of thing. These temporary mutations subside gradually, either by casting spells of another nature, or not casting spells at all; overdoing it might cause serious damage to the caster, such as, in this case, the caster spontaneously combusting or exploding.

Stat 4: Constitution (Con)
Constitution determines a character's weight, physical toughness and bulkiness. If a strong blow hits a character, the constitution stat will determine if they are knocked over or withstands it, or perhaps even shrugs it off.

The range is, again, 1 to 20+, with several factors needing to be counted in. First, 1 is extremely weak and prissy, like a toddler that has just learnt to walk. Normal humans range between 3 and 7 per default, 3 being a skinny person and 7 a strong and heavy knight. A 20+ means it is as good as immovable.

The stat is measured up against Strength, and often negatively affects Dexterity while still working well together with it.

Stat 5: Speed (Spd)
Speed determines how fast a character reacts to enemy attacks, and how quickly they can chain attacks together. Characters with great speed differences will allow one to assault the other repeatedly, while the other struggles to keep up. A quick attack may be as fatal as a strong one, depending on the target's reaction speed.

1 is a heavy and sluggish creature, such as a Rhino, while 20+ is a reaction so fast it is not reaction, but preaction; foreseeing a strike coming before it even is begun.

Speed measures up against itself. Dexterity also matters when working it out, as a low body control will often leave a speedy character thrashing about with few fitting hits.

I will use Vallus, Jenna and Arrendal as examples in this case, as their stats are vastly relatively different.


As you can see, Vallus has a Str of 4, representing him being weaker than an average person. He is averagely dextrous, with a Dex of 5, while his MP is low, 3, representing his unhoned magic ability. His Con is 3, meaning he is very light and easy to budge in combat, but his speed of 5 offsets this by allowing him to block blows with decent reflexes.


By comparison, Jenna has good overall stats, not having any glaring weak points (not stat-wise, anyway). Her Str is at average, given her training as a knight, while her Dex and Spd are slightly lower, thanks to her heavy armour and large weapons. Her Con is good, as well, thanks to her armour and training, and her MP is surprisingly high for an Adrilan.


Finally, Arrendal has marvellous Str and very good Con, making him into a strong and durable warrior. However, his Dex is very poor, in no small part due to his old age, and his MP is just average for an Adrilan. His Spd is acceptable, given his massive frame.

If Vallus fought Jenna, he would have an upper hand at speed, and could, if not making glaring mistakes, dodge most of her blows. If he fought Arrendal, his speed would remain just as good, but Arrendal's high Con would leave Vallus' blows unable to budge the Adrilan Conqueror. His only hope would be using his higher Dex and Spd to overcome Arrendal with a feat of agility Arrendal could not keep up with. Jenna's Magical Prowess, by the same logic, is capable of affecting the other two completely, as her MP is higher than both.

Last edited by Berserker on Thu Jun 14, 2018 5:49 am; edited 2 times in total

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Character stats Empty Power levels

Post  Berserker Tue May 20, 2014 9:10 am

Within The Other Side's setting, no individuals are equal (obviously). Some are stronger than others, others are more nimble, and yet others again command magical powers with greater efficiency than some. This post is meant to set some guidelines to the different stats, and help people understand how strong their characters are in combat.

Strength: 1The character is hopelessly weak, and the character must rely on other stats or dumb luck to win a fight.
Strength: 2The character is very weak, capable of wielding nothing larger than a dagger with ease.
Strength: 3The character is just below average for humans, capable of wielding most one-handed weapons. Typical strength for Ivelleans.
Strength: 4The character is as strong as the average human; able to wield most types of weaponry, the character can also carry most man-sized individuals for moderate durations. A typical Adrilan strength.
Strength: 5The character can wield heavy weapons such as great axes and mauls efficiently in battle; additionally, the character can carry most man-sized individuals for extended periods of time. Typical strength for general Tyricans, larger of build than other humans.
Strength: 6The character's strength is noteworthy for a human; capable of lifting and throwing man-sized individuals in battle. Average for Bear Tribesmen.
Strength: 7If this character is a human, it is a human capable of shattering a dragon's scales with the right weapon. Such strength is enough to pull a laden cart by yourself.
Strength: 8Above human limits at this point, the character can lift an entire horse with relative ease, and wield logs as battle hammers.
Strength: 9The character's strength is such that the character can tear apart thick wood with their bare hands. Average strength for an ogre.
Strength:10The character can lift an ogre and carry it for moderate amounts of time. Weaponry is usually extremely heavy, and still light enough for the character to wield it with ease.
Strength:11The character can lift and throw ogres in combat; normally only other ogres and certain Xillidi grow this strong among the fleshy races.
Strength:12Rare even for ogres; this kind of strength is enough to crack apart stone if done correctly. An ogre this strong can hurl boulders in combat.
Strength:13Small golems can boast this strength; their massive strength is enough to start being a serious threat to fortress walls, if properly equipped.
Strength:14This level of strength is seen among exceptional Xillidi, as well as especially large animals, such as rhinos. RHIINOS Capable of carrying huge loads and smash aside even ogres, characters at this strength are formidable.
Strength:15A flesh-creature at this level of strength is capable of deflecting swords and axes by simply flexing their muscles. Living battering rams fall into this category.
Strength:16Trees can be ripped up with their roots; usually, the tree's roots will yield before the creature pulling it up at this point.
Strength:17Dragons can boast this strength. Not even fortress walls can stop the creature at this point, as even stone walls pose no challenge.
Strength:18This kind of strength is becoming hard to comprehend; a character this strong can lift and throw a house like a human throws a decent stone.
Strength:19Something this strong can lift up minor golems and throw them like stones. Warning: Golems do not like being thrown.
Strength:20The strength of the creature is such that it would be able to throw watch towers like they are small rocks.
Strength:20+..and this level of strength would be able to catch a flying watchtower and throw it back in the same motion. Something this strong is unstoppable by all conventional means.
That would be the strength chart. As you can see, the gaps in strength between each step grows progressively larger.

Dexterity:1The character is extremely slow; even an untrained child with a sword would be able to hit the character.
Dexterity:2Your average ogre is here; while strong and tough, ogres are notoriously slow. While the character may be able to step back from a blow, dodging while advancing is out of the question.
Dexterity:3The character's dexterity is comparable to that of a heavy human. Most blows are possible to dodge, but it will require special effort from the character to do so.
Dexterity:4Your average Adrilan is here; relatively nimble, it's possible to dodge successive blows, but the character should not expect to be able to keep doing so forever.
Dexterity:5This is where the more physically fit Ivelleans, Eltherners and Tyricans go; the character is now able to dodge with relative ease and perform minor acrobatics as befitting their stature, such as successful leap attacks as a surprise move.
Dexterity:6At this point, the character's dexterity is noteworthy; dodging is now their preferred way to avoid damage, and they can perform stunts such as wall-running over short distances and do backflips.
Dexterity:7The pinnacle of human dexterity; warriors this nimble can be expected to perform somersaults above their enemy's head and strike them in the process, as well as dodging arrows. Usually only performed by exceptional Ivelleans and Federationers.
Dexterity:8The character can perform a double somersault midair in a single jump, as well as reliably weave in and out of combat range against faster humans.
Dexterity:9The character is capable, in one way or another, gain additional altitude while jumping.
Dexterity:10The character is capable of continuously and effortlessly weave between the blows of two enemies.
Dexterity:11The character can drop from heights nearly four times their own without taking damage.
Dexterity:12A character this agile can move with such flexibility and accuracy that it's simply impossible to force the character into a difficult position, provided regular weaponry is used.
Dexterity:13The character is capable of scaling fortress walls without aid from tools such as hooks or rope.
Dexterity:14At this point, the character can dodge all attacks aimed upon them, regardless of weaponry used. It will take a wide-area spell to actually hit.
Dexterity:15The character's skills can be used to leap wide (8-10 meters) chasms, as well as hold on to a flat, vertical surface over time.
Dexterity:16The character can continuously evade even repeated wide area attacks, usually by jumping.
Dexterity:17The character is capable of unnatural gestures such as shifting through matter, although they remain vulnerable while shifting.
Dexterity:18The character has a natural ability to warp from one place to another; occasionally found among certain long-lived predators with higher than normal magical capacities.
Dexterity:19The character's form is indefinite, able to be cut and instantly negate the wound; similarly, the character can squeeze into any tight space. The character may or may not in fact be a liquid being.
Dexterity:20The character can temporarily take on non-corporeal form, able to move through air and matter alike, unhindered by physics or gravity.
Dexterity:20+The character's being is formed out of energy or spiritual matter, and can move in whatever way they wish. Physical attacks cannot injure them. This, however, also disables the character's ability to manipulate the material world.
Note that several Dex entries aren't strictly related to combat; this is due to just how much you can bend physics within 21 entries. The last three entries aren't strictly related to actual dexterity, but for combat purposes, they are related.

MP:1The character is incapable of employing magic.
MP:2What little magic the character possesses will not be of much use in combat.
MP:3The character possesses a minor amount of magic; hardly enough to be of much use in combat, but enough to possibly have a surprise move in store.
MP:4The character now gains the ability to learn different, easy spells, largely in the class of minor alterations to the direct environment; quickening a flower's growth, summoning small fish, or waking all bears within a radius of 1 kilometer.
MP:5At this point, the character's magical ability is powerful enough to provide a combat advantage; the character is also able to learn more useful spells, such as those creating major, temporary alterations to the direct environment, for instance causing trees to catch fire, summoning rainclouds or allowing others to breathe underwater for a time. Minor combat spells may also be cast, such as singular fireballs or causing a corpse to combust.
MP:6The character can learn more powerful spells; with an MP such as this, the character may opt to fight primarily with magic. More powerful spells may be learnt, both combat spells and environmental alteration; such as spontaneously igniting your target, calling upon wild animals to aid you, or summoning arrows or bolts.
MP:7With increased magical prowess comes increased magical vulnerability, and while a character this powerful will be able to cause great havoc, they are also much more vulnerable to spells than someone of lacking magical capacity. A character this powerful will, with the right knowledge, be able to cast spells affecting wider areas and those caught within, such as freezing all caught within six meters. Other spells include sapping power from surrounding fighters, or casting auras affecting emotions.
MP:8The character's affinity for magic yet grows, and their naturally gained magical skill has more than doubled its potency. Additionally, the caster's control of magic is great enough to make spells only hit enemies, not allies; for example, melee-oriented warriors may wade straight into magical fires without being hurt.
MP:9Extremely powerful element-based magic can be cast on a low scale, such as summoning sparks so hot they glow white rather than red, or forming winds frigid enough to bring an area below water's freezing point. Similarly powerful non-elemental spells can also be cast, though their variables are more diffuse and become hard to pinpoint effectively.
MP:10With this kind of power, a wizard is capable of casting the immensely useful, but taxing, Undo spell, which can effectively cancel any single spell in effect near the caster; this works both for hostile spells and beneficial spells. Normally, spells fade out naturally as the magic within them disperse; this spell forces the magic to disperse immediately. There are many variations of this spell, but most highly powerful mages will try to seek out the original spellbook in which it is contained.
MP:11The caster's power is great enough that magic can be manipulated in a more direct fashion; while flashy spells have a more terrorising effect, tossing your enemies about without needing to redistribute magical energy into forming more material threats tends to be a notch more effective. This naturally varies depending on your enemy's ability to withstand magic; duels between two wizards this powerful tends to lead to a ravaging fight where the one able to cast the greatest and quickest version of Undo will win. The loser is likely to be crushed within an invisible giant fist.
MP:12The first signs of magic starting to overwhelm the caster will appear at this point. While the caster's spells keep growing in power, the amounts of magic regularly flowing through the caster will begin to alter the inner structure of their body. Even then, more spells will become available, written by the unknowing and by those mad with power.
MP:13Magic's influence grows; at this stage, the first signs will be visible. Subtle, temporary changes to the caster's body may occur, such as waking up with an extra finger that is gone the following day, or gaining an abnormally good sense of smell. Power grows further, and the caster's spells are a threat to even ogres, whose magic resistance is extraordinarily high.
MP:14Without a strong will, the caster will no longer be able to keep magic from altering their body. Changes will come more often now, and with greater effect, though still the caster may retain their sanity, and the changes will still be temporary. Nonetheless, the caster's spells become extremely deadly, and this is possibly the most dangerous state a caster may be in; their sanity is still intact, and their spells are at a high level.
MP:15The character's form and sanity both become unstable; the constant warping and reshaping of the character's body will greatly wear on the character's mind, and while magical power grows to new heights, only rarely will the character be able to actually cast them.
MP:16With a magic affinity this high, the character lives in constant torment; spells may be cast spontaneously and without control, while constant, painful changes tear at mind and body alike. Only a miracle of some kind will be able to save a character past this point, as their uncontrolled spellcasting will continue to increase their magical prowess.
MP:17The torment is slowly waning, although the character will be lost to madness and pain. Spontaneous spellcasting will continue, but spells will miscast regularly.
MP:18At this point, the character's body will gradually begin warping between pure magical energy and a twisted, mutilated living being. Spells will stop being cast, and only the character's magical ability will keep going. The character's last sane thoughts as a living being will come at this stage, whether they are regrets or a strangely misplaced feeling of relief amidst madness.
MP:19The character will only sporadically exist as a corporeal being, though thankfully, both the intense pain and the uncontrolled spells have stopped. Even a simple Illuminate spell will shine like a star for several minutes, possibly even causing fires and blindness. Their power is incredible, but their chances of casting a spell properly is next to nil.
MP:20The character's form disappears altogether, no longer able to exist as a mundane being. Only occasionally able to take a physical form, their concentration is spent keeping their will together and hold off magic, but it is near inevitable that the character will simply be consumed in the end.
MP:20+At this point, only a fragment of the character exists within the flows of magic; while insanely powerful, they have nearly no will of their own.
That's the Magical Prowess chart. MPs 12 and up will have adverse effects on your characters. As a character gains MP, so too will they become more vulnerable to enemy magic; this requires even a skillful mage to remain cautious against a novice. Their advantage is their improved array of spells.

Constitution:1The character's body is extremely light and frail. Chances are the character is a rat or some other easily squished creature.
Constitution:2Likely a child, the character is easy to knock over, push aside or strike down. Most can simply kick over and stomp on this character.
Constitution:3A lithe and slender adult goes here; while they may be agile, a good hit on them will greatly disrupt their movement and upset their balance enough that even slow attackers will be able to land a follow-up attack.
Constitution:4With more practice and experience at taking blows comes an improvement at recovering from being hit. The character still isn't very heavy, but they are much better at keeping their stance in combat and withstanding blows.
Constitution:5The character is a well-built warrior, capable of taking most hits and retaliating in kind. It will take a lot to send the character flying or even make them give ground to enemies with strength alone.
Constitution:6The character is heavy and sturdy enough to be able to repel most blows with a mere flinch, save for hits that cause a lot of damage otherwise.
Constitution:7With this kind of weight, most regular mounts won't serve the character anymore; it will take more unusual mounts such as bears or rhinos to carry the character. Naturally, not all characters this heavy will need a mount; some gain such speeds on their own.
Constitution:8Large and tough, the character can easily push aside smaller enemies with their mass alone. Warriors this tough and heavy often wield great weapons, as they have the muscle needed to wear exceptionally durable armour.
Constitution:9Capable of taking a great many hits, the character will no longer be interrupted in their path from most blows within regular strength levels, as well as having an excellent way to balance themselves up from being hit.
Constitution:10As heavy as an ogre, the character's heavy and steady enough to be hit by a charging bull without getting knocked over. Instead, the bull will find it very difficult to push the character once it has hit, and the character might in fact be able to use their size alone to wrangle the bull over.
Constitution:11No longer capable of swimming, this character will require aid in order to cross bodies of water. However, the character can likely simply walk across the bottom without much hinder.
Constitution:12The character can ignore most lesser hindrances in their path, such as other people, bushes, animals, lighter structures...
Constitution:13A melee fighter can forget about toppling this creature. The only way to bring it down against its will is to bleed it dry and avoid getting stepped on. Most wooden structures can't bear the weight of something this heavy.
Constitution:14The creature can topple trees simply by placing its weight against it. Most lesser beings will be crushed if sat on.
Constitution:15The average constitution of a small boulder. A creature this heavy and steady in combat is capable of wading through entire armies. Though not impervious to weaponry, it will take the force of a ballista to actually knock this character back.
Constitution:16The creature can be hit in the face with a catapult shot and only flinch a little. Even a battering ram will cause no trouble to this being.
Constitution:17The creature is so heavy it is incapable of jumping whatsoever. In return, most weapons are useless against it thanks to its density.
Constitution:18Attempts to crush this creature will be in vain; the creature can resist even a highly powerful spell intended solely for crushing flesh and bone.
Constitution:19The creature is so steady that only an earthquake or a landslide can topple it.
Constitution:20This kind of toughness makes the creature a veritable moving mountain if size allows, but the drawback is that the sheer mass slows the creature greatly.
Constitution:20+The creature is immovable; not even a god can move this character through force alone.
Ladies, gentlemen; the Constitution chart. The upper levels all seem to flow into each other, and that's because the differences won't really matter to your average player character. When you compare two monsters, it makes a bit more sense.

Speed:1The character is a very slow and sluggish creature, such as a rhino; while swift when going straight ahead, they are slow to turn and slow to strike. A character this slow will have to be expected to be outmanoeuvred at every turn, and should prepare accordingly.
Speed:2The character, although still slow, is better able to keep up with your average fighter, at least in mind. Their body will remain slow, and swift, surprising attacks will be scarce from someone at this level.
Speed:3Swift enough to be a decent fighter, the character can move fast enough to gain decent momentum in their attacks. Repeated attacks will be difficult to pull off without being countered.
Speed:4A trained human slowed down by a heavy weapon or a pack will stay around this speed; while the weapon will have an impact on their fighting, swift attacks can and should be expected from experienced fighters.
Speed:5Average speed. The character can strike several times in a row, and if the character can slip past a guard, their target will have a harsh meeting with the character's weapon.
Speed:6Swifter than most, or perhaps only armed with a light, precise weapon, the character can strike at high speeds. Most weapon fighters will rely on several swift attacks rather than any heavy attacks with speed levels like this.
Speed:7The character's speed lends itself extremely well to hit-and-run tactics in close combat. The character is highly capable of charging in, striking and jumping away again before the enemy can strike back.
Speed:8A human with such speed would make a perfect assassin, capable of leaping in and killing their target in a single motion before their unsuspecting target even realises what happened. Fortunate, then, that humans will only in extremely rare cases be this fast.
Speed:9This character's swiftness in combat is such that heavy weaponry, such as greatswords and large cleavers, are extremely unlikely to hit the enemy. The character can simply kill their enemy (provided they don't have other protection against getting killed) before the weapon swing has begun.
Speed:10The character's speed is overwhelming to most regular foes, regardless of weaponry. Several successive strikes will get past the enemy's defences quickly, and follow with tearing them up.
Speed:11Only instincts can make an enemy parry or block an attack from a character this fast; the limits of human reaction time are getting too slow in comparison.
Speed:12A character this fast will have serious problems getting entertained in battle against regular warriors. Their speed won't be able to catch up with the character's swift movements.
Speed:13This speed is where the line between terrifying speed and surreal speed starts to blur. To the unskilled, the speed is unbelievable, making even the greatest of human warriors look like an amateur; to the skilled, the speed is frustrating and terrifying at once, as they have no way to deal with it.
Speed:14Taking it another level, the character can reliably outmanoeuver ten warriors at once with speed. The character should expect to be attempted torched by the closest wizard involved in the fight.
Speed:15The character will experience this level of speed as everything else moving extremely slowly. And in comparison to everything else, the character will move ridiculously fast.
Speed:16As quick as this character is, the best way to defend oneself is through magic; a protection spell followed by a powerful wide-area spell has a good chance to hit the character and avoid the caster's death.
Speed:17The character, even against the most aware opponent, can seem to disappear briefly, only to suddenly reappear before the now impaled enemy.
Speed:18The character appears a blur while moving, striking far too quickly for a human to react to it. However, the strike may be so fast that most regular weapons won't withstand the speed of the motion, and shatter mid-swing.
Speed:19Too fast for the eye to properly see, the character might appear to be in two or even three places at once simply by sidestepping. Note that spells and tricks of the mind don't count for this.
Speed:20Every time the character moves at full speed, a loud sonic boom can be heard; this is the sound of the character breaking the sound barrier, complete with the physical strain this entails.
Speed:20+*Teleports behind you* Nothin personnel The character's senses are so well honed speed no longer matters; the character is capable of reacting to your actions before you even act. How they do this may vary.
And that is speed, the 5th and last stat. Most speeds over 13 are ridiculous and will rarely be seen. But they exist out there, somewhere. Be afraid.

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